Title: Inspired Action/Action Inspired Structure: Zig Zag Book Dimensions: Video of my process. Another late night book, but this one was tremendously easy compared to last week's book. I think I finished this one in a little over an hour!!! I know -- why can't they all be that simple? Well, I'm kinda glad they aren't all that simple because then I wouldn't feel challenged and push out of my comfort zone. And, better still, I wouldn't know my just how far my creativity goes in one day :-). So yes, the zig zag book was easy to make. So easy that you should totally make one!! The way the pages interlock and expand makes this a book with infinite possibilities when pairing it with text or any other content for that matter. In this one, I used a piece of art that I started at Chris Zydel's studio earlier in the week. It was just sitting there waiting to become a book, so I heard it's plea and gave in. That's what we must do sometimes when the muse is calling. The inspiration for this book comes from a reading I was a part of last night. The Hazel Reading Series. I talk about it a little in the video. Check it out and most importantly, check out the other readers -- AMAZING WOMEN!!! If you're watching the videos, I'm honored! If you're making the books, I'm intrigued, so please share here or on the Giving Hands Creative Community site.
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hello friend...I'm Kiala, a student of life first and foremost. And I'm also a published poet, book binder, fountain pen collector, Life Alchemist & Intuitive Soul Guide. I make things, paint things, and write things. I love teaching & empowering women to live with intention. Please, grab a cup of your favorite warm drink, a fountain pen, and your favorite journal. Let's connect! My Articles for the StencilGirl® Blog
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March 2020