This is where we bring all the parts of YOU together to create a life you love. We dive into YOUR STORY, your limiting beliefs, your TRUTH and your SHADOW.
Let me help you decode your birth chart. I want to teach you what the cosmos already knows about you, YOUR PURPOSE, your challenges, and your path.
Classes and Programs to Awaken Your Muse
Our souls speak to us through our creative expression. To help you remember who you are as a SACRED SOULFUL WOMAN, I offer classes in writing, intuitive art, creative journaling, and more. Let's find a way for your soul to speak to you.
Our subconscious speaks to us through images. Oracle and tarot cards are simply mirrors that help us see our deepest desires and our biggest fears. I use the cards as intuitive guidance. Let me help you connect to your innermost truth.
Welcome Beautiful Soul,
I am a multi-passionate, soul-centered, seeker of truth and self-discovery. I believe we are all creative, that the process is far more powerful than the product, and that the journey is more important than the destination. I teach women how to identify and honor their gifts, talents, and passions so they can live in alignment with their heart's deepest desire. This is the first step to becoming R.I.C.H. -- Radically Intent On Cultivating Happiness -- and that is how we come ALIVE. This is true in art, in business, and in every fiber of our being. The moment we decide to live our truth, the Universe conspires to make it so. For the last 30 years, I have been on a path of self-awareness that started when I discovered Astrology in my early 20s. It opened a doorway to the part of me that is a mystic and it answered SO MANY questions I had about what my purpose is in this lifetime. In my 30s, I found tarot, bookbinding, and intuitive painting, and the world became more clear and my path more certain. Each step of the way I found pieces of myself and brought them together to alchemize a life I love. My respect for creativity and my desire to commune with my higher self is what led me to pursue (and earn) six academic degrees (including a Masters of Fine Art in Creative Writing & Poetry) and several certifications that say I am qualified to guide you. But the real thing that makes me well-suited to do this work is my LIVED EXPERIENCE. I walk the talk. My life is fueled by a passion to uncover, excavate, and reveal all the parts of me through dedicated & daily journaling, creative expression, and constant & consistent spiritual growth. I embrace the esoteric, welcome shadow work, and live my life the same way I guide others to live theirs -- authentically, unapologetically, with gratitude, and without regret. I am honored that you are here. I have done my best to create a seamless and welcoming experience for you. I do a lot of things in order to live a full and active life, but most importantly, the work I do in the world is to help women experience creative & spiritual awakening that moves them toward whole body empowerment. Are you ready to meet your beautiful, soulful, most authentic self? Let's do it. |
Pull • Pen • Paint 2024A Journey of Self-Discovery Using Signs, Symbols, & Systems in Your Spiritual & Creative Practices
This course is my signature, 10-month program where I gather 20+ teachers who understand the power of exploring the self through creativity and spiritual connection. 2024 is YEAR EIGHT of the course. You don't want to miss it. The class meets from March to December with access until the following March. PULL -- We pull our astrological charts, tarot cards, daily oracle cards, our human design charts, and of course we pull out all of our creative and artsy supplies. PEN -- We pen our thoughts, ideas, and images in our journals to bring to life what the subconscious wants to deal with or show us. The journaling is the most powerful part of the course as it is how we bring our desires into being. PAINT -- We do a little painting from time to time in the classroom, but we define the "paint" parts of the class as the creative exploration. There's bookbinding, drawing, sketching, watercolor, pen and ink, stitching, fiber arts, and much, much more. |