human design with Kiala
Authentic Alignment
Your energy Blueprint
Authentic AlignmentA modern tool I have come to love through study, exploration, and certification is Human Design. This system, channeled by Ra Uru Hu in 1987 takes our birth date, time, and place, combines astrology, the I Ching, Kabbalah, the Chakra system, and quantum physics and provides a blueprint of our individual and unique energy. This blueprint gives us powerful information and insights into our true selves, our life purpose, and shows us how to make decisions in alignment with our authentic nature. This is our Energetic Blueprint.
By showing us how we are designed to make decisions and move through this world, Human Design offers an empowerment tool for anyone ready to live out their soul's curriculum. I do not use Human Design to predict your future or to frighten you. I treat it as another tool for understanding your energy, identifying your conditioning, and uncovering opportunities for living your most authentic life. I help you understand how to navigate the energies at play from an elemental, alchemical, and archetypal perspective. |
Authentic Alignment Sessions are for you if you are:
•ready to ACKNOWLEDGE your true nature •willing to do the work to understand your UNIQUE ENERGY •able to PRACTICE listening to your inner wisdom •ready to EXPLORE & EXPERIMENT •willing to take INSPIRED ACTION towards transformation •able to be in CONVERSATION with higher yourself |
Hi there Beautiful Soul...I'm Kiala and I'm happy you found your way here. I call myself a LifeAlchemist™ because for more than 20 years I have shown women how to create a life they love. From finding their creative voice to building online businesses that make their hearts sing, my clients, students, and customers learn to meet themselves where they are and move forward with grace, ease, and fierce authenticity. This kind of leadership is what makes my Leo Ascendent roar. Structure and systems help my double Capricorn energy thrive and feel alive.
I am an intuitive & alchemical chart reader certified in Archetypal Astrology and Quantum Human Design™. I support women as they identify their gifts, talents, and passions in an effort to call forth the reality they want. I teach the art of manifesting, the power of energy as a spiritual tool, and the importance of learning to trust your intuition. My readings are designed to help you excavate your story so that you can see where you are living in or out of alignment with what your blueprint says you're here to experience. My personal journey has uniquely prepared me to guide women who are ready to experience CREATIVE & SPIRITUAL AWAKENING. To that end, I use ancient guidance systems like astrology, numerology, and tarot, along with a few modern tools like Human Design, EFT, and journaling to help you shift your frequency, vibrate higher, and reach your fullest potential. |
• CosmicSoul Reading - this is a basic human design reading - this is a foundational reading of your Human Design BodyGraph. It includes an explanation of your Type, Strategy, Authority, and Profile. This reading is a recording sent to you via email. You schedule a time on my calendar and block it off for yourself. I then send you the reading at the time you booked. You'll have seven days to ask follow up questions.
• Layered Human Design Reading - this is a conversation on Zoom where I share your soul story through the lens of Human Design. This is a more in-depth session and includes the added layers of your Incarnation Cross, your birth chart as experienced through Human Design, and a detailed description of your activated gates. I leave you with several soul journaling prompts to ponder, exercises to experiment with your Human Design, and tangible tools for integrating the information I share. You are present for this call and it includes a Basic Human Design Reading (see above). • Authentic Alignment Sessions - If you've had a Basic Reading and want to go one step further to look at the Centers of your BodyGraph, this is the reading you want. This is a multi-session reading where we meet over the course of a month to take a deeper look at the Centers of your chart, the gates that are activated in each, and use Chakra healing & alignment tools to shift your energy in each center. NOTE: This requires multiple sessions because energy work can produce physical and emotional opening that asks you to rest and restore before moving to the next Center. |
Need Help Deciding?If you have never had a Human Design reading, start with the basic reading. If you'd have your chart read or studied the chart on your own, let's jump right to the Layered Human Design Reading or the Centers Alignment Session.
If you want to work with me more closely to receive creative coaching and mentoring using your Human Design chart as our foundation, schedule the basic reading and we will go from there. |